To be healthy and stay healthy, we must…
Forgive and Forget
- Learn to forgive those who do us wrong.
- Ask God to forgive us for doing wrong.
- Forgive ourselves of past failures and mistakes.
- Forget about past offenses, failures and mistakes.
- Move on and look forward to a brighter future.
Get Plenty of Rest
- Get some sleep – 7 to 8 hours a night.
- Spend some quiet time in prayer.
- Spend time reading the Word of God.
- Don’t over commit – learn to say ” No”.
- Learn to relax – watch a good TV show or movie.
- Exercise on a regular basis – 3 to 4 times a week.
- Walk often, it’s the best and easy way to exercise.
- Choose stairs instead of elevators and escalators.
- Choose far away parking spots.
- Choose to walk instead of drive when reasonable.
Drink Plenty of Water
- Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water everyday.
- Drink additional water during exercise.
- Drink additional water when doing yard work.
- Often choose water above soda pop and tea.
- Make ourselves a reminder to drink more water.
Eat More Vegetables and Fruits
- Eat 4-6 servings of fruit daily.
- Eat 6-8 servings of vegetables daily.
- Limit sweets and desserts. Opt for fruit instead.
- Comfort sweet-tooth with sugar free gelatins.
- Eat raw vegetable salads, they help in many ways.
Get Well Woman Examinations
- Visit the doctor once a year for a thorough exam.
- Get tested for diabetes and cholesterol once a year.
- Get a mammogram once a year.
- Get a pap-smear once a year.
- Always talk to the doctor about any health concerns.
Thank you so much. Good to have these reminders!
God bless you,
Renee B.