
Pastor Gerri,

Thank you so much. I thoroughly enjoyed the meeting. Wednesday night I had an accident and have suffered a slight concussion. Headaches have been plaguing me for days. I went for prayer yesterday and afterwards my headaches have gone away. I haven’t had one since. If I can help in your ministry please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

LDM – Tulsa, OK


Rev. and First Lady C. Nash,

My mom, aunt, and I were thoroughly Blessed!! on yesterday as we were at the Ladies Brunch & Fellowship. I’ve attended several events, but never one with such generosity. The food was good, the gifts were very unique and the event was well planned and color coordinated. The Word was quite interesting with great humor. Also your hospitality was superb. It was a very refreshing Ladies Fellowship Luncheon. Thank you so much for your obedience to God. May God bless you and keep you!!


SJ – Tulsa, OK


Dear Sister Nash,

I just wanted to send a note to thank-you for inviting [my daughter] and me to the women’s meeting last Saturday. It was such a wonderful retreat for me. When I accepted your invitation, I had my own car, however shortly after, I did not, so I asked a friend who is also a sister in Christ to bring me. She did not have intentions to stay at first, but God changed her situation and she was able to stay. She also enjoyed the meeting as well. God and your invitation turned out to be a blessing for [my daughter], [my friend] and me. Again thank you. May God continue to bless you and Pastor Nash’s ministry.


CH – Tulsa, OK


Dear Pastor Gerri,

You presented an excellent Ladies Fellowship Conference …. The love of God was so strong in the midst of everything. You walked in so much favor and grace of God. Women were so united and complimenting each other, that in itself was the result of the power of God in action. You were so sensitive to the leading and timing, and moving of the Holy Spirit. You moved with God. The glory of God was shining all over and around you. Your guest speakers, minister of music, menu, and hotel were great choices. Thank you for allowing me the honor to volunteer…. You are a very creative visionary when it comes to ministry and women…. Thank you again for hearing and obeying the voice of God.

In His Love,

JE – Broken Arrow, OK


First Lady Gerri,

I just wanted to drop a few lines to tell you how much I enjoyed the ladies fellowship. It was awesome, lots of words of conformation unto me. The speaker was truly God sent. The Word of God was flowing in the place sharper than any two-edged sword. I thank God for you and COME Ministries. Continue to be obedient to His will.

God Blessings,

PH – Tulsa, Ok


Pastor Gerri,

Because you are a pastor, you keep going strong in this women fellowship, because we ladies/women of Christ do need the fellowship with each other. You just don’t know how much it blesses me, so much. There has been times when I was so down in my life when you held a women fellowship. And just being in the midst of the anointing and fellowship was truly, truly a blessing. So you be encouraged! Because you are a help to sooooo many ladies…. Thank you again! My prayers and love are with you.


EC – Tulsa, OK

11 thoughts on “Testimonies

  1. Here is a wonderful testimony given to us at the COME Ladies Fellowship luncheon:

    A woman that desired to come to the event had limited funds. She only had money to buy enough gas for her car to get to the Ladies Fellowship Luncheon. She said she had a decision to make; either spend her last few dollars on gas, or take the few dollars and put in the offering. She said if she couldn’t get to the event, she couldn’t put the few dollars in the offering. She said she really wanted to come to the event, so she took the money and bought gas for her car.

    She arrived, heard the message and responded to the altar call. After being prayed for, she fell to the floor. While she lay on the floor, a drawing was made for a free gift. When the winner’s name was called and no one responded. Suddenly, a lady in the service cried out, “The women who you are looking for is on the floor”.

    This was the same women who spent her last money on gas. She won the prize, which was a GAS card! This woman told us that she knew that God was going to meet her at the event. She told us that God meet so many of her needs as a result of coming to the COME Ladies Fellowship Luncheon.

    Thank God for His leading and guidance. He knows who needs to be blessed and when they need it!

  2. Thank you so much for the invitation to attend the COME Women’s Fellowship. This was my second time and it is truly a wonderful time spent in the Lord, enjoying my Sisters in Christ.

    Blessings to you in all your future endeavors.

    Ellouise Cochrane

  3. Dear Pastors Corbin and Gerri,

    I was so glad I got to attend your recent Ladies Fellowishp. It was so good to see you!

    I was so blessed and refreshed by the presence of God ministering to us through the music ministry and guest speaker. God bless you for all you do and your giving hearts.

    The lunch was wonderful. Thank you for the wonderful gift bag and door prize. I love the cookbook.

    You’re precious friends.
    God Bless You,

  4. Here is an awesome testimony…A woman came up to me after the meeting and thanked me for the $100 Walmart/Sams gift card. She told me that she and her family needed groceries and she didn’t have any money . She said she didn’t know how to get the money for groceries and then she won the gift card in one of our last giveaways.

    She said, “I am on my way to buy groceries”.

    We serve a loving God who is concerned about our needs. Praise His Name!

  5. A woman testified that she came to one of the Ladies Fellowship with a migraine headache. She then responded to the altar call where she was prayed for. The headache left that day and has never returned.

    Praise God. Jesus is our healer!

  6. Sister Nash, I just want to thank you for having the ladies luncheon. Your book Iron Sharpens Iron is something the Ladies Mission @First Baptist Wagoner use for our studies. We all get a scripture and have to do our mediation on it. We really enjoy it and it is very helpful with explaining and understand the Bible more and more. Thank you for your time you put into your books. God’s love to you and yours.




  8. Dear Pastor Corbin and Gerri,

    Thank you so very much for all you did to put on the wonderful Ladies Fellowship luncheon. Thank you for blessing us with a great lunch, lovely gifts, and special ministers.

    It was a special time of fellowship will all the ladies. I was so blessed.

    Kathy Serrano

  9. Had a wonderful time at the last meeting! The speaker hit the nail on the head in regards to my life. I have decided to rise up and answer my call!

    Thank you Mrs. Nash for being wonderful!

  10. I have been a volunteer at the Ladies Fellowship conferences for about seven years. Every year keeps getting better and better. The atmosphere is always charged with worship and love. The fellowship between the ladies is beautiful. Plus the atmosphere is saturated in so much love that one can reach out and touch it by embracing each other. It is the love of God with us in a tangible form in our sisters in Christ.

    I can honestly say that it only gets better and better. The next best thing has to be the rapture! if you have never joined us please do. I promise you will not be disappointed. hope to see you at the next event. Please check us out.You will never be the same. I will be looking for You!

  11. Hello, Gerri

    Thank you for a very nice dinner and ministry meeting. Thanks for the pictures also. It was a joy being with the ladies. This was my first meeting, as I came with a friend.

    God bless you,
    Renee Brophy

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